Accept/Reject Proposals for Track Changes by Session Chairs
This is an explanation for the Scientific Programme Committee Session Chairs on how to perform the third step of the workflow for the Selection of Contributed Oral Presentations.
The Session Chair/Convener clicks on the Track for which they are responsible and sees the following (example for MC1):
The Session Chairs/Conveners are asked to work through the abstracts in their Track and concentrate on the abstracts where there is a proposal for a change of track.
Taking ID 39 above, clicking on the title of the submission the Session Chair/Convener will see the following:
The Session Chair can see that the abstract was submitted in MC1 and that there is a proposal to move it to MC2.
When no track change is needed
If the Session Chair/Convener disagrees with the track change proposal, they should do nothing. They should simply disregard the proposal. The original abstract will remain in the originally proposed Track. The Session Chair simply returns to the list of abstracts to be reviewed.
When there is need to change the initially proposed track
If the Session Chair/Convener agrees with the track change proposal, they should click on Edit Track List link seeable here above, select the proposed new Track, and Save:
Abstract ID#39 then disappears from the MC1 list:
and appears under MC2. Now, if the MC2 Session Chair/Convener agrees, they will leave the abstract as it is. If he disagrees he will edit the Track List again. Good communication among MC coordinators will ease this task for sure.
Note: Session Chairs/Conveners should at this stage refrain from using any other functionality.