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Accepting proposals for contributed oral presentations by Session Chairs

This is an explanation for the Scientific Programme Committee Session Chairs on how to perform the fifth and last step of the workflow for the Selection of Contributed Oral Presentations.

After the SPC ranked all the proposals for Contributed Oral presentations, every Session Chair will act in their assigned Track and work through all of the proposals to be accepted, then "judging" them, i.e. accepting them as invited orals, in the correct track.

After clicking on an abstract title, at the bottom the judging area will appear:

Session Chairs should carefully read the judgment instructions available before judging. Special requirements may be present for the specific FEL conference.

Similarly as before, there are four options for the judgement:

  • Accept

  • Reject

  • Mark as duplicate

  • Merge

We suggest to only use the first option, Accept, in case the SPC agrees on this abstract to become an invited oral presentation. All the other can be left without any judgement and eventually be changed to Poster type by the Scientific Secretariat.

The other fields can (and should) be left unchanged - this way the track and contribution type will remain the same as set before.

We also recomment to deselect the "Send notifications to submitter" checkbox - otherwise an email will be sent to the submitting author. Notification of acceptance will be performed later on by the SPC Chair or Scientific Secretariat.

Alternatively, this job can be left to the Scientific Secretariat who can work through the accepted abstracts via the Management Area and "judge" on behalf of the Session Chairs.