Submission of proposals for invited oral presentations by the SAB/OC/SPC
This is an explanation for the Scientific Secretariat/Admin about what the SAB/OC/SPC will see and do during the first step of the workflow for the Submission of Proposals for Invited Oral Presentations.
Once abstract submission (or proposals for invited orals in this case) is configured as explained above, the persons entered as "Authorized submitters" will see a link to Submit an Abstract from the Event Home Page (display view):
The Abstract Submission Form therefore appears as defined under Workflows / Call for Abstracts / Submission / Settings, described above.
At the top of the Abstract Submission page is a link to read the "submission instructions". It is the text entered in the "Instructions" text box in Submission / Settings.
The following fields are available:
Title: for the title of the submission
Content: for a description of the work
Contribution type: as described previously, only Invited Oral Presentation should be visible
Authors: It is possible to search for authors (from the JACoW Central Repository) or to enter manually, and then configure the roles:
Clear instructions on how to enter proposals for speakers are necessary to help the proposers with this job. Note for IPAC SPC/SS: IPAC OC/SPC/SAB members should not normally propose themselves for oral presentations
Comments: This field is included in the default setup and can be note for any notes from the proposers
Track: This is a required field (as setup in the settings).
Footnotes (if added as additional field): The Footnotes field for JACoW events normally contain references to other work. How to enter Footnotes needs to be described carefully in the Instructions.